Magazine Article Feature

UpHere Magazine

Dwayne Wohlgemuth wrote a fantastic article about SHIFT's founder and program director Becca Denley in  Up Here Magazine! It explores the challenges and joys of active mobility in the North - with a focus on winter biking.

Up Here Magazine has been the leading voice for Canada's North for over 40 years.  The magazine celebrates the people, places, and stories that make the North unique. 

Spreading the Word


Becca and Adam Denley were interviewed about the SHIFT program by John Simmerman of Active Towns in Fall 2024.

John Simmerman is a health promotion and public health professional with over 30 years of experience. He explores how the built environment influences human behavior related to active living and especially active mobility.  The Active Towns Channel features John's original video content and reflections, including a selection of podcast episodes and short films profiling the positive and inspiring efforts happening around the world.

Active Transportation in the North

Complete Streets

There is a growing community of people in Yellowknife who are working hard to develop programs, projects, and presentations that will help our city to better support health, safety, and a stronger economy.

The concept of "Complete Streets" is safe, welcoming spaces for people to move whether they are walking or rolling, ideally separated from vehicular traffic.  Because we live in Yellowknife, NT which has snow for 6 months of the year, snow maintenance considerations is also a part of this study.

Please ask yourself: "Who is being left behind by the design of our streets?", and then imagine ways that we can design our streets with the youngest, oldest, and most vulnerable in mind first.

A Recap of 2024 Activities

Here are examples of projects and programs from 2024:
- Several Meetings and Presentations to City Council and the Mayor of Yellowknife
- GNWT set up Temporary Protected Bike Lanes at Folk on the Rocks
- Critical Mass Bike Rides
- "Bike Bus" programs that allow kids to bike to school in groups led by parents.
- Velo Canada Pedal Poll count
- Successful 1st year of the SHIFT program
- Mobycon Webinar and other Educational Sessions
- Santa Claus Parade Critical Mass Ride

Planned for 2025

Here are just a few of the programming/activities planned for 2025!
- Baby Expo & Spring Trade Show 2025 Information Booth
- Introduction to Winter Biking - with Ecology North
- Fundraising for 2025 SHIFT program
- Bike Route Planning
- Applications for the Federal Active Transportation Fund
- June Bike Bus program
- ARTWALKS - Colourful Crosswalks at Yellowknife Schools
- Stay Tuned for More Information!


Do you live in Yellowknife and believe that our streets have the potential to create a healthier, more economic, and socially connected community?
Do you want to see people biking on dedicated bikeways which  reduces traffic and increases safety?
Do you have any ideas about how to enhance our community? 
 Are you interested in being involved in Active Transportation efforts in the North? 
Please click the link below, to join our growing list of volunteers.


Critical Mass Ride to City Council on April 22, 2024 -

Presentations to City Council on April 22, 2024 at minute 26:10 about SHIFT, Artwalks, and Traffic Calming by Becca Denley, and Frame Lake Trail/bike lanes by Craig Scott

Presentations to City Council on October 28, 2024, starting at minute 45:27 regarding Active Transportation by Becca Denley, Adam Denley, Aida Nicri, Craig Scott, SImon Toogood

Presentations to City Council on November 25, 2024, starting at minute 41 regarding Bike Storage by Anita Villeneuve and Snow Maintenance Reform Becca Denley

And just a bit of fun: